I can't figure out the hang up. Essentially, Second Life just wouldn't run in an enjoyable way for me at all. Frame rates around 10fps or less, graphics taking 30 seconds to load, bugs in clicking buttons, it crashed twice for no reason...
Allow me to elaborate. My computer is new. MacBook, 2.4GHz dual core, 4GB ram and a fairly decent graphics card (according to their promotional materials, a very very good graphics card). There is just no reason for me to be getting that kind of performance from a piece of software. And I just keep thinking, if my computer won't take it, what does everyone do? Deal with horrid polygonal graphics and slow frame rates? For me, it just reminded me of trying to play new computer games on the old 486 we had when I was growing up. Frustrating.

Perhaps it is better when there is something to interact with. But the idea of spending hours in a world that can't even replicate a decent brick texture on the side of a buliding in under a few seconds didn't excite me very much. I think I'll stick to instant messaging.

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